Information Systems


CSC 101 - Introduction to Computer Science (2 Units) Survey of computers and information processing and their roles in society. This course introduces a historical perspective of computing, hardware, software, information systems, and human resources and explores their integration and application in business and other segments of society. Students will be required to complete lab assignments using the PC’s operating system, and several commonly used applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and other applications. Internet and on-line resources, browsers and search engines.

IFS101 – Foundations of Information Systems I (2 units) Characteristics of the digital world; Information systems components; Information systems in organisations; Globalisation: Technology enabled change, Digital divide, Cultural, ethnic, political challenges, Global information systems strategies; Valuing information systems: How information systems enable organisational processes, Making a business case for information systems, Productivity paradox of information systems, Investment evaluation, Identifying and implementing innovations; Information systems infrastructure; The Internet and WWW: e-business, Intranets, Internet, extranets, e-government, Web 2.0; Security of information systems: Threats to information systems, Technology-based safeguards, Human-based safeguards, Information systems security planning and management

BIO 101 - General Biology I (3 Units) The scope of biology and its place in human welfare including characteristics of life, concepts in biology, topical issues in biology and career opportunities. Diversity and classification of living things. Cell structure and organisation; functions of cellular organelles, diversity, general reproduction, interrelationship of organisms, heredity and evolution; elements of ecology and types of habitat. Differences between plants and animals. Variation and life cycles of plants to include non-vascular plants like algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, bryophytes. Varieties and forms life cycles and functions of flowering plants.

BIO 103 - General Biology 1 Practical (1 Unit) Introduction to Biology practical use of the microscope, cells structure, stanning starch in plant tissue, algae, fungi, bryophytamosses and liverwort, gymnosperms angiosperm

GNS 101 - Use of English I (2 Units) Time management, Study aids, Scientific word building: word group Aspects of grammar; prepositions tenses and the sentence; Listening and Lecture Comprehension; Note taking and note-making. Reading; purposes, aids, speed, comprehension, spelling and punctuation

GNS 103 - Information Literacy(1 Unit) Brief history of libraries; Library and education; University libraries and other types of libraries; Study skills (reference services); Types of library materials, using library resources including e-learning, e-materials, etc.; Understanding library catalogues (card, OPAC, etc.) and classification; Copyright and its implications; Database resources; Bibliographic citations and referencing. Development of modern ICT; Hardware technology; Software technology; Input devices; Storage devices; Output devices; Communication and internet services; Word processing skills (typing, etc.).

MEE 101 - Engineering Drawing I (3 Units) Instruments for engineering drawing and their uses. Drawing paper sizes, margins and title blocks. Lettering and types of line. Geometrical construction: bisection of lines and angles and their applications. Polygon, tangency, locus of simple mechanisms. Pictorial drawing, isometric, oblique and perspectives. Orthographic projection. Dimensioning and development of simple shapes. Assembly of common engineering features. Freehand sketching. Use of engineering drawing software

MTS 101 - Introductory Mathematics I (3 Units) Elementary set theory, subsets, union, intersections, complement, Venn diagrams. Real numbers; integers, rational and irrational numbers, mathematical induction, real sequences and series, theory of quadratic equations, binominal theorem, nth roots of unity. Circular measure, trigonometric functions of angels of any magnitude, addition and factor formulae.

PHY 101 – General Physics I (3 Units) Space and Time, frames of reference, invariance of physical laws, relativity of time intervals, relativity of length, UNITS and dimension, standards and UNITS, unit consistency and conversions. Kinematics vectors and vector addition, components of vectors, unit vectors, products of vectors. Displacement, Time and average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average acceleration, motion with constant acceleration, freely falling bodies, position and velocity vectors, acceleration vector, projectile motion. Motion in a circle and relative velocity. Fundamental laws of mechanics: forces and interactions, Newton’s laws, dynamics of particles, frictional forces, dynamics of circular motion. Galilean invariance. Universal gravitation, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces. Work and energy, kinetic energy and the work-energy theorem, power, momentum and impulse, conservation, elastic collisions, centre of mass. Rotational dynamics and angular momentum angular velocity and acceleration, energy in rotational motion, parallel axis theorem, torque and rotation about a moving axis, simple harmonic motion and its applications. The simple pendulum, damped oscillation, forced oscillation and resonance.

PHY 107 - General Physics Laboratory I (1 Unit) The experiments include: Mechanism: timing experiments, simple pendulum, compound pendulum measurement of moments, determination of moments of inertia, measurement of viscosity, use of force board, law of momentum. Optics: reflection using plane mirror, convex/concave mirror, concave/convex lens, refraction using a prism critical angle, apparent depth/real depth, simple microscope, compound microscope. Electricity: Ohm’s law, heating effect of a current internal resistance of a cell, metre/Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer measurement of ace, plotting of magnetic field. Heat: measurement of ace, plotting of magnetic field. Heat: measurement of specific capacity of water, and a solid, expansion of gas experiment using a long capillary tube, joule’s law. Sound: resonance tube, sonometer.

CSC 102 - Introduction to Computing (3 Units) Introduction to concepts of programming logic, principles and techniques. Study and use of the Microsoft Office productivity suite with an emphasis on database design and development. Introduction to VBA programming languages and development of customized solutions for business and personal needs. Introduction to programming VB. NET- Introduction, the VB.NET language, the NET framework, developing desktop applications, controls, common dialogue boxes and menus, developing browser-based applications, web services, ADO.NT- developing database applications.

IFS102 – Foundations of Information Systems II (2 units) Business intelligence: Organisational decision making, functions, and levels; Information and knowledge discovery: Reporting systems, Online analytical processing, Data, text, and Web mining and Business analytics; Application systems: Executive, managerial, and operational support systems, Decision support systems, Functional area information systems, Collaboration technologies, Intelligent systems, and Knowledge management systems, Information visualisation; Enterprise-wide information systems; Development and acquisition; Information systems ethics and crime: Information privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility, Computer crime, Cyberwar/cyberterrorism

BIO 102 - General Biology II (3 Units) A generalised survey of the Animal Kingdom based mainly on study of similarities and differences in external features; ecological adaptations of these forms, Structural, functional and evolutionary study of protozoans, COELENTRATES, Platyhelminthes, Nematodes, Annelids, Arthropods, Echinoderms and Molluscs. Evolutionary sequence in the form and functions of Protochordates and various classes of vertebrates. Introduction to ecology to include simple ecological facts in terrestrial and aquatic habitat and the relationships between an organism and its environment.

BIO 104 - General Biology Practical Ii (1 Unit) Protozoans and coelenterates, worms and molluscs, arthropods, protochordates and fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals

GNS 102 - Use of English II (2 Units) Awareness raising; Gathering/generating ideas/Information for writing. Writing a well-researched, well written and supervised term paper: Structuring the essay; Writing a first draft; Introductions and Conclusions. Graphic and Pictorial information, Peer reviewing, Quotations and Referencing. Answering exam questions.

GNS 106 - Logic and Philosophy (2 Units) The nature and scope of Philosophy. Philosophy Science. African Philosophy. General Introduction to Logic Deductive and inductive, affirmation, negation, conjunctions alternation. Conditional and bi-conditional. Grouping and telescoping. Formal fallacies and informal fallacies.

MTS 102 - Introductory Mathematics II (3 Units) Function of a real variable, graphs, limits and idea of continuity. The derivative as limit of rate of change, Techniques of differentiation. Extreme Curve Sketching. Integration as an inverse of Differentiation. Extreme curve sketching, integration as an inverse of differentiation. Methods of integration, Definite integral. Applications area, volumes areas, etc.

PHY 102 - General Physics II (3 Units) Electrostatics: Conservation Law of electric charges, electrons and electrostatics, Coulomb’s law, electric field and forces, electric field line, electric dipoles charged particles in an electric field, charge and electric flux, Gauss’s law and its applications, electric potential, electric potential due to a single charge, electric potential due to continuous charge distribution equipotent ail surfaces. Conductors and currents: electric field energy, Gauss’s law in dielectrics. Magnetism: Magnetic field, magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, motion of a charged particles in a magnetic filled, magnetic force on a current carry conductor, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart law, electromagnetic induction, inductance, self-inductance, mutual inductance, Maxwell’s equation, electromagnetic waves and Oscillations.

PHY 108 - General Physics Laboratory Ii (1 Unit) The course comprises of experiments drawn from core subjects of fundamental relevance to the understanding of basic sciences. Electricity: Ohm’s law, heating effect of a current, internal resistance of a cell, meter/Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer measurement of electrochemical equivalent (ece), plotting of magnetic field. Heat: measurement of specific heat capacity of liquid and solid, expansion of gas experiment using a long capillary tube, Boyle’s and Charles’s law. Sound: resonance tube, sonometer.

CSC201 – Introduction to Computer Programming (3 units) Introduction to problem solving methods and algorithm development, designing, coding, debugging and documenting programs using techniques of a good programming language style, programming language and programming algorithm development. A widely used programming language should be used in teaching the course such as object–oriented FORTRAN, MATLAB.

CSC205 – Structured Programming (2 units) Structured programming concepts and structures; introduction to Perl programming language – introduction, scalar data, lists and arrays, subroutines, hashes, I/O basics, concepts of regular expressions, using regular expressions, more control structures, modules and objects, standard modules, file handles and file tests, directory operations, manipulating files and directories, string and sorting. Perl as technology – Unicode, interprocess communication, thread, internals and externals; databases and Perl, XML and SOAP, networking programming – sockets, email connectivity, FTP, LDAP; Perl/Tck; win32 modules and extensions, OLE automation, ODBC extension for win32, CGI and web server programming.

IFS201 – Principles of Computing (2 units) Programming constructs: sequencing, selection, iteration, and recursion. Data organisation: arrays and lists. Use of abstraction in computing: data representation, computer organisation, computer networks, functional decomposition, and application programming interfaces. Use of computational principles in problem-solving: divide and conquer, randomness, and concurrency. Classification of computational problems based on complexity, non-computable functions, and using heuristics to find reasonable solutions to complex problems. Social, ethical and legal issues associated with the development of new computational artefacts.

IFS203 – Web Technologies (1 unit) Foundational Internet concepts; networks; ISO 7 layer model; basic network architecture; routing; domain names; email; ftp; telnet; HTTP; WWW concepts of peer-to-peer, structure, remote access etc; Internet resources – types, content and architecture; URI, and URI resolution, URL; search engines; search methods; search engine optimisations; Principles of structure: XML, HTML 4 and 5, CSS3, JavaScript; programming tools and environments; Forms of multimedia; WWW support for multimedia; file compression, choice and restrictions of media types; New technologies create ethical dilemmas, Netiquette, Guidelines on civil behaviour, Acceptable Use, Content ownership, Multimedia files.

IFS205 – Unix Operating System (2 units) Overview of operating systems and the virtual machine. Detail of putty, ssh, nature of the kernel; The Linux file system structure, file paths and their construction, editing files, navigating the Linux file structure via the shell, access control and access attributes, understanding system logs; Overview of compression/decompression, file archives and transfer via SSH, especially via GUI; Automation of simple tasks by incorporating shell commands into scripts, basic programming constructs such as branching and iteration.

IFS207 – Computer Networks (2 units) Introduction to computer networks; Networking standards, concepts, topology, media and terminology including LANs, WANs, the OSI model, cabling, IP addressing, subnetting, network hardware and various protocols. Networking: Types of networks, Core network components, TCP/IP model, Physical layer: wired and wireless connectivity, Data link layer: Ethernet, Network layer: IP, IP addressing and routing, Transport layer: TCP, Application layer: core Internet application protocols, Internetworking; Network security and security devices.

GNS 201 - Man and His Environment (2 Units) A. Social Environment as an aspect of the ecosystem. Man, society and culture. Social structure and social institutions. The social structure of Nigeria. Social chance and development. Technology and social change social and psychological consequences of change. Ethical B. Scope of Politics. Political systems in Nigeria. Comparative Political Structure. The Nigerian political systems. Development of Nigeria constitution. Presidential system of government. The role of the Executive, Legislature and judiciary. The problems of federalism in a multi-ethnic society and the question for national unity.

MTS201 – Mathematical Methods I (3 Units) Real-Valued Function of a Real Variable, Review of Differentiation and Integration and their Applications, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor Series, Real-Valued Functions of Two or Three Variables, Partial Derivatives, Chain Rule, Extrema, Lagrange's Multipliers, Increments, Differentials and Linear Approximations, Evaluation of Linear Integral.

MTS209 – Differential Equations I (3 Units) First Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Existence and Uniqueness, Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, General Theory of nth Order Linear Equations, Laplace Transforms, Solution of Initial Value Problems by Laplace Transform Method, Simple Treatment of Partial Differential Equations in Two Independent Variables, Application Areas.


CSC202 – Comparative Programming Languages (3 units) Current issues in programming languages. Language topics include imperative, functional, logic and object-oriented programming, and other programmable applications such as symbolic manipulations and simulation. Implementation of concepts such as binding, scope, looping, branching, subprograms and parameter parsing, tasks and concurrency, heap management, exception handling, templates, inheritance and overloading.

CSC204 – Assembly Language Programming (2 units) Introduction to general machine structure, program counters and instruction register; instruction sets; addressing modes. Assembly language programming – element of assembly language statements (constant operands, instruction operands) basic instructions, branching and looping, procedures, string operations, bit manipulations, the assembly process, floating point arithmetic, decimal arithmetic, input/output. Interfacing assembly language programs to high-level language programs.

CSC206 – Human Computer Interaction (2 units) Human factors of interactive software; theories; principles and guidelines of human computer interaction design including command line interface, graphical user interface and application programmatic interface; event-driven application design and development; direct manipulation; interaction devices; system and feedback messages, gesture recognition system, computer supported cooperative work, virtual reality, augmented reality, multimedia system, robotic etc.

CSC208 – Object–Oriented Programming (2 units) Introduction to object-oriented and Java or other object-oriented programming language, why object-oriented is fundamentally different from imperative programming, nuts and bolts (scalars, strings, and expressions, similarities and differences to C); classes (their interfaces and implementation); control structures and arrays; inheritance (extending classes, abstract classes, overriding, polymorphism and dynamic binding); exception handling; interfaces; graphical I/O; stream I/O and object serialisation.

IFS202 – Networking Theory and Practice (2 units) Network Standards and Definitions, OSI Model, The Internet, WANS and LANS, Bandwidth and Contention; Network components and Services, Communication Protocols, Routing, Switching and Firewalls; Network Design, Cable management and routing, Cost/Value/Robustness analysis, Component prioritisation for SME networks, Cabling tools and components; implementation of servers to manage a small network, that is, DHCP, DNS etc., Effective use of wireless network technologies, Setup and administer other servers and configure security appliances to protect the network; Use devices to help end users gain maximum potential from the network; Integrate other technologies to improve “up-time”, for example, UPS, Router VPNs etc., WAN connections and the options available, for example, ADSL, Cable, fibre etc.; VOIP implementations, types of monitoring systems; the benefits of Ethernet use in control systems and business efficiency; a brief insight to the mainstream social web tools.

IFS204 –Information Technology Infrastructure (2 units) Computing system architecture concepts; Computing system organising structures; Technical components of computer-based systems; Role of information technology infrastructure in a modern organisation; Concepts and principles of operating systems, operating system configuration, securing an operating system, and Virtualisation of computing services; Concepts and principles of networking, Internet application protocols, Network security and security devices, The Internet as a key networking platform, Network device configuration; Organising storage on organisational networks; Data centres; Securing information technology infrastructure, using public networks for secure data transport – VPNs; The role of information technology control and service management frameworks in managing the organisational information technology infrastructure; Ensuring business continuity; System performance analysis and management; Purchasing of information technology infrastructure technologies and services

IFS206 – Professional Perspectives (1 unit) Hallmarks of a professional: The characteristics that distinguish a professional. Professional bodies - their structure and function. Qualifications and career paths. Employability criteria. Continuing professional development. Personal development plans. Codes of conduct; Professional ethics: Consideration of the individual, organisational and societal context in which computing systems are planned, developed and used. Introduction to ethical behaviour using plagiarism as an example. Deployment of technical knowledge and skills with a concern for the public good; Law: Raise the student's awareness of relevant law and the processes of law. Data protection. Computer misuse. Intellectual property rights. Patents. Copyright. Trademarks; Business fundamentals: Basics of how a business case is developed including the structure and contents of a business proposal; Personal reflection: The methods by which a professional evaluates their ongoing performance. Individual action plans: Maintaining a record of personal performance. Identifying CPD needs. Applying experience to future applications; Providing and receiving feedback: Providing constructive feedback to a variety of recipients. Peer assessment. Responding to feedback in a professional manner.

IFS208 – Introduction to Data Science (2 units) The core concepts and skills in the emerging field of data science; Practical techniques for working with large-scale data: problem identification and communication, probability, statistical inference, visualisation, extract/transform/load, exploratory data analysis, linear and logistic regression, model evaluation and various machine learning algorithms such as random forests, k-means clustering, and association rules; data pipelines, programming language (with R or Python), "big data" tools, and real world topics and case studies.

CSP 210 – General Agriculture (Practical) (2 Units) This will involve field planning. Each student will be allocated a field plot for the planting and management of an arable crop. Students will be exposed to practical work in animal production and health, fisheries, and wildlife management and crop and forestry nurseries.

ECN 214 – Principles of Economics for Non-Economists (3 Units)

Scope and methodology of economic study; price mechanism; demand and supply; theory of production; forms of business organization; market structures; money and banking; national income determination; international trade; economic growth and development; the role of the government in the economy.

IFS301 – Computer Architecture and Organisation (2 units) Differences between computer architecture and computer organisation, basic structure of computers; performance evaluation: metrics and calculations, performance equations, Amdahl's law; instruction set architecture; introduction to computer arithmetic; software, CPU design and architecture, basic CPU organisation; pipelining and instruction level parallelism; the memory subsystems – memory hierarchy, caches and cache hierarchies, cache organisations, cache performance, compiler support for cache performance, main memory organisation, virtual memory, TLBs. I/O organisations; introduction to embedded systems; parallel processing, multiprocessor and thread-level parallelism; interconnection networks and clusters, vector processing, multiprocessing.

IFS303 – Introduction to Business I (2 units)

This course will introduce students to the basic principles of economics. The course will emphasize the basic mechanisms of supply and demand and gain an understanding of what drives markets and how different actors interact in them. Emphasis should be given to the tools used in modern economics to explain how the economy as a whole works and the diversity of opinions regarding this issue. The course provides students with an understanding of conventional macroeconomic thinking so that they can understand the essential principles of how the macro economy of nation states functions in a globalized world. The relevance of government monetary and fiscal policy in dealing with such economic problems should also be explained.

IFS305 – System Administration and Maintenance (2 units) Understand the concepts and theories for system administration and the professional roles and responsibilities of different users/administrators; Adding and removing user accounts. GUID, UID, Disk quotas. Access control. Moving of home directory on UNIX server; Estimating resource requirements, Carry out experiments and investigation to evaluate systems and requirements, Costing out an infrastructure, and estimating resources required. Accounting; Advanced UNIX commands, bash, for example, sed, awk, grep, ftp, ssh, tar, pipe, apt/yum. Start-up and shutdown, e.g., netstat, ipconfig. Backup and restoring data. Virtualisation. System reconfiguration. Disk management (RAID), SAN, NAS; Process list (top), and resources. Understanding resources (filesystem, CPU). Monitoring users on server. Describe when a system requires maintenance; SSH, FTP, Firewall, Samba shares, LAMP; Maintenance contracts. Deployment. Ethics. Understanding risks of performing an action. Automating routine tasks (job scheduling), Service packs, patches. Policies. Logs firewall and DNS.

IFS307 – Application Development (2 units) Business process and data requirements modelling for information systems; Introduction to programming using C#. Continuing use of an appropriate software development environment; Introduction to SQL databases available and configuration of an SQL database; Building a database structure in an embedded SQL database and populating the tables with a set of data provided; Use of library classes; e.g. lists, stacks, queues, maps, sets, trees; definition of new data types; classes as attributes; encapsulation; Understanding the exception mechanisms found in C#, try-catch statements; Windows GUIs with WPF applications; Investigate and utilise advanced features, for example, sockets, threading and events; Building of multithreaded applications containing reusable components based upon design patterns and advanced data structures IFS309 – Computer Maintenance and Forensics (2 units) Common computer hardware/software problems and corrective processes/procedures. Identification, ordering and installation of computer hardware components. Survey of troubleshooting applications and utilities to configure and troubleshoot hardware/software problems. An introduction to electronic data forensics: forensic lab configuration, considerations and processes, operating system configuration, considerations and applications; forensic hardware requirements, criminal versus civil processes and computer use policies.

IFS311 – Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering (3 units) Scope for statistical methods in physical sciences and engineering. Measures of location, partition and dispersion. Elements of probability. Probability distribution: binomial Poisson, geometric, hypergeometric, negative-binomial, normal Poisson, geometric, hypergeometric, negative-binomial, normal, Student’s t and chi-square distributions. Estimation (point and internal) and tests of hypotheses concerning population means proportions and variances. Regression and correlation. Non-parametric tests. Contingency table analysis. Introduction to design of experiments. Analysis of variance.

EMT 301 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship (2 Units) Introduction to entrepreneurship and new venture creation, entrepreneurship in theory and practice, the opportunity, forms of business, staffing, marketing and the new venture, determining your capital requirement, raising capital cost, financial planning and management, starting a new business, innovation, legal responsibility, insurance and environmental consideration

CHE 101 - General Chemistry I (3 Units) Atoms, atomic structures, atomic theory, aufbau method, Hund’s rule, Pauli Exclusion principles, atomic spectra, molecules and chemical reaction, energetic, chemical equation and stoichiometry, atomic structure and modern electronic theory of atoms, radioactivity, chemical kinetics, collision theory of gases, solution, solubility and solubility product, electro chemistry, electrode potential, half-cell equation.

CHE 103 – Experimental Chemistry I (1 Unit) Introduction to basic laboratory procedure and apparatus in the chemistry laboratory. Recording of laboratory data. Calibration of basic laboratory equipment. Preparation and standardization of common reagent. Preparation of sulphide of metals and determination of their empirical formula. Determination of atomic weight of metals. Stoichiometry. Preparation of simple, double and complex salt


CSC302 – Data Structures and Algorithms (2 units) Introduction to analysis of algorithms; linked lists, stacks and queues; trees, priority queues; search trees; sorting; hashing, garbage collection; storage management; maps and dictionaries; text processing; graphs, generic programming: coding for re–use of both data structures and algorithms. IFS302 – Interpersonal Communication (3 units) Rudiments of Communication: Communication Defined, Elements of Communication, Principles of Communication; Oral, Written and Non-verbal Communication: Language Defined, Non-verbal communication, Listening, Oral and written Communication; Functions and settings of Communication: Functions of Communication, Communication setting; Communication Theories and Models: Linear Model, Interactional Model, Transactional Model etc. Writing and Communication Methods: Writing Defined, stages of Writing, other Aspects of the Writing Process, Corporate and Public Communications, Commercial Communication Method and Letter Writing. Process of Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Symposium and Debates: Meeting Defined, Conduct, Procedures, Aims and Benefits/Disadvantages of Meetings. Written Rules Affecting Meetings, Conference, Seminar, Symposium and Debates. Uses of Words, Sentences and Figurative Expressions, Words and their Meanings, Synonyms and Antonym Dynamism in Words, and Predication, Suffixation, Sentences/Figurative Expression. Reports and Handover notes: Types of Reports, Components of Reports and Handover Notes. Organization communication: The concept of organizational communication, Factors Affecting Effectiveness of Organizational Communication. Types of organizational Communication. Public Relations and Marketing Communication.

IFS304 – Information Systems Analysis and Design (2 units) Identification of opportunities for IT-enabled organisational change; Business process management; Analysis of business requirements: Business process modelling, and Information requirements; Structuring of IT-based opportunities into projects; Project specification; Project prioritisation; Analysis of project feasibility; Fundamentals of IS project management in the global context; Using globally distributed communication and collaboration platforms; Analysis and specification of system requirements; Different approaches to implementing information systems to support business requirements: Packaged systems, enterprise systems, outsourced development, and in-house development; Methods for comparing systems implementation approaches; Organisational implementation of a new information system; Different approaches to systems analysis and design: structured SDLC, unified process/UML, agile methods

IFS306 – Knowledge Management and Information Retrieval (2 units) Issues with Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Engineering; ETL process (Extract, Transform, Load); data quality mining; data cleansing; data mining; Web mining; text mining; Special purpose database systems: deductive databases; active databases; Digital Libraries; Information Retrieval (IR) – systems, theory and technologies: Boolean search; textual conflation e.g. stemming and stopword removal; probabilistic IR model; Vector Space IR model; relevance feedback; text categorisation and information filtering; information extraction; question answering and related topics in NLP and computational linguistics; IR systems and search engines, for example, Google’s PageRank, IBM’s Web Fountain; evaluation; Search Engine Optimisation.

IFS308 – Introduction to Business II (2 Units) Introduce students to the concepts and uses of financial accounting information in a business environment and its role in the economic decision-making process. Accounting is referred to as the language of business. Primary areas of study include the theory of debits and credits, special journals, the accounting cycle, notes and interest, receivables and payables, accruals and deferrals, measurement and valuation of assets and liabilities, the determination of net income (profit) and the preparation and analysis of basic financial statements. Students should gain skills needed for the analysis and study of cost behaviour, relevance, allocation and design for various courses of action. Throughout the course, there is special emphasis on the use of cost information in managerial decisions and its application to various industrial and service settings.

IFS310 – Human Behaviour in Organisations (2 units) The most important aspects of organisations are the people: the men and women who make up management as well as the work force. The aim of this course is to provide a systematic understanding of organisational life as created by the human beings in the firm. Students will be encouraged to understand issues such as group dynamics, individual differences, values and perceptions, organisational politics as well as interpersonal interactions. Theories, concepts and issues in the field of organizational behaviour with an emphasis on individual and team processes. Core topics include employee motivation and performance, stress management, communication, work perceptions and attitudes, decision-making, team dynamics, employee involvement and conflict management.

IFS312 – Mobile Application Development (2 units) Introduction to developing mobile applications, beginning with mobile operating systems capabilities and application architecture and extending to major components, such as activities, services, broadcast receivers, etc. Web technologies for mobile platforms; factors in developing mobile applications security and hacking. Development of interactive applications using widget libraries, web-based services, animation, an SQL database engine, and multithreading.

IFS314 – Business Process Management (2 units) Challenges in managing business processes, and approaches to business process management and improvement; Understanding organisational processes: Business process definition and classification, Identifying core processes, Modelling processes, and Documenting processes; Process assessment: Measuring performance, Benchmarking, and Statistical techniques for process measurement; Process improvement: Process design guidelines and principles, Continuous process improvement, and Change management; Using IT for process management and improvement: Business process improvement and modelling software, Tools of business process simulation, ERP systems, and Use cases; Organisational issues in business process management: Understanding the customer, Business process outsourcing, and Managing processes that cross organisational borders

EMT 302 – Practical Skills in Entrepreneurship (3 Units) Workshop or seminar to prepare student’ mindset on enterprise attachment. Types of enterprise that are Agro-based skills, Arts and Crafts, Building services, construction works, repairs of appliances, electrical services, food processing, manufacturing, auto maintenance, woodworks, hospitality management.

CSC401 – Compiler Construction (2 units) Introduction to language translators; lexical analysis; grammars, top-down parsing methods; bottom-up parsing techniques; automatic compiler generation tools; symbol tables; semantic analysis, attribute grammars, syntax-directed translation; intermediate code generation; code generation: expressions and simple control structures, records and arrays; procedures and functions; runtime memory management; code optimisation; error detection and recovery; compilation of object-oriented languages, Java Virtual Machine.

CSC415 – Web Applications Development (2 units) Introduction, content transport, caching techniques for web content and streaming media, navigating content networks, peer-to-peer content networking, interactive content delivery – instant messaging, beyond web surfing, building content networks. The basics of PHP, the PHP language, code organisation and reuse; object-oriented programming, moving beyond libraries and object-oriented programming, extending objects, working with arrays, strings and characters of the world, character set and Unicode, interacting with server, redirecting the user. Database basics using MySQL, data access, PHP and data access, planning and implementing web applications – cookies and sessions, user authentication, advanced output and output buffering, data validation with regular expression, files and directories; strategies for successful web applications. IFS401 – Operating Systems and Networks (1 unit) Aspects of File systems; naming services; memory management; scheduling; device management; Benefits and risks of service oriented architecture, frameworks for enterprise architectures, and managing risks across portfolio of enterprise; Management of disk and data across the enterprise, management of proliferating types and volume and content; Models of communication (ISO reference model); IPC; RPC; Sockets; Language primitives; Distributed Objects; Service oriented architectures

IFS403 – Information Systems Security (2 units) Introduction to information security; Inspection: Resource inventory, Threat assessment, Identifying vulnerabilities, and Assigning safeguards; Protection: Awareness, Access, Identification, Authentication, Authorisation, Availability, Accuracy, Confidentiality, Accountability, and Administration; Detection: Intruder types, Intrusion methods, Intrusion process, Detection methods, and Monitoring systems; Reaction: Incident determination, Incident notification, Incident containment, Assessing damage, Incident recovery, and Automated response; Reflection: Incident documentation, Incident evaluation, and Legal prosecution; Risk assessment frameworks; Security engineering: Protocols, Passwords, Access controls, and Cryptography; Physical aspects: Biometrics, Physical tamper resistance, and Security printing and seals; Security in connected systems and networks: Distributed systems, Telecom system security, Network attack and defence, and Protecting e-commerce systems; Policy and management issues: Copyright and privacy protection, and E-policy

IFS405 –Internet Technologies for eCommerce (2 units) History of e-commerce and their technologies. Underpinning ideas and models of e-commerce. Learning from history (case examples such as, Dell, Google etc). And e-commerce requirements such as e-payment and e-security and auctions; Broad description of different Internet technologies: from network protocols; routing, discuss server-side vs. client side, concepts such as restfulness and cloud. Structured web (from SGML to XML and HTML4/5). Rich Internet Apps; and Web standards (W3C). Description and discussion of ethical issues such as netiquette and professional issues for web tech development; Architectures and Technologies, critiquing systems; abstracting and categorising components. Different technologies for different roles (e.g., Java vs. Javascript vs Flash); Applications vs Scripting; in–depth client side programming, web scripting: JavaScript (syntax, typing, type conversion, interpreting, late bound, debugging etc). DOM and SVG. ECMAscript, W3C and web standards. Language issues of JavaScript vs. Java.

IFS 407 – Database Management Systems I (2 Units) Database concepts; file versus databases systems, data models, ANSI/SPARC 3-level view of a database, and the relational database model and its advantages over older and even emerging models; design concepts and implementation: entity relationship modelling; normalisation of database tables, structured query language; database design and implementation; introduction to transaction management and concurrency control, distributed database management systems; database privacy, security, failure and recovery. Some emerging topics in databases such as semi-structured (XML or NoSQL) databases and object-oriented database systems.

IFS411 – Computer Graphics (2 units) Overview of input/output hardware, elements of graphics software; fundamental algorithms; two-dimensional viewing and transformation; design for interaction, and introduction to three-dimensional concepts; digital photography; video editing; survey of applications. Virtual environments technology, requirements and applications; presence; displays; programming virtual environments; devices. An overview of computer graphics for visualisation, scientific visualisation techniques; introduction to computer animation

IFS413 – Business Process Reengineering (2 units) Introduction to company structures; Introduction to business process reengineering; Workflow redesign and implementation; Reengineering success or failure; Management Systems; Health and Safety Management Systems; Quality Management Systems in Software; Information Security Management Systems; Quality Management Principles; Auditing, Media for Documentation; Integrated Management Systems; Introduction to EFQM; Comparison of TQM and business process reengineering; Brief introduction to Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies

IFS415 – Enterprise Architecture (2 units) Service oriented architecture; Enterprise architecture frameworks; Systems integration; Enterprise resource software; Monitoring and metrics for infrastructure and business processes; Green computing; Virtualisation of storage and systems; The role of open source software; Risk management; Business continuity; Total cost of ownership and return on investment; Software as a service; Enterprise data models; Data/information architecture and data integration; Content management; Audit and compliance; System administration; IT control and management frameworks; Emerging technologies CSC417 – Programming Languages Concepts (1 unit) Preliminaries, evolution of programming languages, describing syntax and semantics, lexical and syntax analysis, names, bindings, type checking, expression and assignment statement, statement-level control structures, subprograms, abstract data types, support for object oriented languages, concurrency, exception handling, functional and logic programming.

IFS409 – Systems Conceptual Design (2 units) The course steps through conceptual design beginning with analysis of needs and objectives and proceeding to the exploration of alternative concepts and the selection of a concept that best meets goals of performance, timeliness, and affordability. Definition of operational scenarios, functional analysis, risk assessment, system tradeoffs, measures of effectiveness, and requirements formulation.

IFS402 – Industrial–Based Training (4 units)

IFS404 – FUTA Supervision Assessment (4 units)

IFS406 – Student’s Report and Seminar (4 units) Students are attached to private and public organizations for a period of six months with a view to making them acquire practical experience and to the extent possible, develop skills in all areas of computing. Students are supervised during the training period and shall be expected to keep records designed for the purpose of monitoring their performance. They are also expected to submit a report on the experience gained and defend their reports.

CSC505 – Fault–Tolerant Computing (2 units) Introduction and overview of fault tolerant schemes; fault and error modelling; test generation and fault simulation; concepts in fault-tolerance; reliability/availability modelling; system level diagnosis; low level fault-tolerance – coding techniques (basic principles, parity bit codes, hamming codes, error detection and retransmission codes, burst error correction codes, Reed-Solomon codes, etc.); high-level fault tolerant techniques in systems: rollback, check pointing, reconfiguration; software fault-tolerance; fault tolerant routing; integrated hardware/software fault-tolerance; redundancy, spares and repairs – apportionment, system versus component redundancy, parallel redundancy, RAID system reliability, N-modular redundancy; software reliability and recovery techniques, network system reliability, reliability optimisation.

IFS501 – Information Systems Strategy, Management and Acquisition (2 units) The information systems function; information systems strategic alignment; Strategic use of information; Impact of information systems on organisational structure and processes; information systems economics; information systems planning; Role of information systems in defining and shaping competition; Managing the information systems function: information systems leadership: The role of the CIO and information systems management, Structuring the information systems organisation, Hiring, retaining, and managing information systems professionals, Managing a mixed set of internal and external resources, and Determining staffing skills allocation models; Financing and evaluating the performance of information technology investments and operations; Acquiring information technology resources and capabilities: Acquiring infrastructure capabilities, Sourcing information systems services, and Sourcing information systems applications; Using information systems information technology governance frameworks; information systems risk management: Managing business continuity and Managing security and privacy

IFS507 – Artificial Intelligence (2 units) The evolution of computing, defining artificial intelligence, general problem solving approaches in artificial intelligence, characteristic requirements for the realisation of intelligent systems, programming languages for artificial intelligence and architecture for artificial intelligence machines. The psychological perspective of cognition; production systems; problem solving by intelligent search; the logic proposition and predicates; default and non-monotonic reasoning. Structural approach to knowledge representation, the nature and goals of softcomputing such as neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms to artificial intelligence. Dealing with imprecision and uncertainty, structural approach to fuzzy reasoning, machine learning techniques, machine learning using neural networks, genetic algorithms, realising cognition using fuzzy neural networks.

IFS511 – Information Systems Project Management (2 units) Introduction to Project Management; The Project Management Lifecycle: Project management and systems development or acquisition, The project management context, Technology and techniques to support the project management lifecycle, and Project management processes; Managing Project Teams: Project team planning, Motivating team members, Leadership, power and conflict in project teams, and Managing global project teams; Managing Project Communication and enhancing team communication; Project Initiation and Planning; Managing Project Scope: Project initiation, How organisations choose projects, Activities, and Developing the project charter; Managing Project Scheduling: Common problems in project scheduling, and Techniques for project scheduling; Managing Project Resources: Types of resources (human, capital, time), and Techniques for managing resources; Project quality and tools to manage project quality; Managing project risk and tools for managing project risk; Managing Project Procurement: Alternatives to systems development, External acquisition, Outsourcing-domestic and offshore, Steps in the procurement process, and Managing the procurement process; Project Execution, Control and Closure: Managing project execution, Monitoring progress and managing change, Documentation and communication, and Common problems in project execution; Managing Project Control and Closure: Obtaining information, Cost control, Change control, Administrative closure, Personnel closure, Contractual closure and Project auditing

IFS513 – Research Methodology (2 units) Foundations of research; problem identification and formulation; research design; qualitative and quantitative research; measurement; sampling; data analysis; Interpretation of data and paper writing; use of encyclopaedias, research guides, handbook etc., academic databases for computer science discipline; use of tools/techniques for research: reference management software, software for detection of plagiarism.

IFS515 – Database Management Systems II (2 units) Database concepts: file systems and databases, relational database model; design concepts and implementation: entity relationship modelling; normalisation of database tables, structured query language; database design and implementation; introduction to transaction management and concurrency control, distributed database management systems; database privacy, security, failure and recovery. Data and database administration; Transaction processing; Using a database management system from an application development environment; Use of database management systems in an enterprise system context; Data/information architecture; Data security management; Data quality management: Data quality principles, Data quality audits, and Data quality improvement; Business intelligence: Online analytic processing, Data warehousing, Data mining, and Enterprise search.

IFS599 – Final Year Student’s Project (6 units) An independent or group investigation of appropriate software, hardware, communication and networks or IT related problems in information systems carried out under the supervision of a lecturer. Project topics are usually in the following areas: databases, data analysis, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, gaming, virtual environments, computer vision, visualisation, pattern recognition, e-technology, communication systems, real-time systems, distributed networks, robotics. Before registering, the student must submit a written proposal to the supervisor to review. The proposal should give a brief outline of the project, estimated schedule of completion, and computer resources needed. A formal written report is essential and an oral presentation may also be required.

IFS503 – Enterprise Systems Engineering (2 units) Business processes and business process integration; Making the case for acquiring and implementing enterprise systems; Analysing business requirements for selecting and implementing an enterprise system; Selection of enterprise systems software; Challenges associated with the implementation of global enterprise systems applications; Organisational change and change management; Strategic alignment; User commitment; Communications; Training; Job redesign; Governance of processes and data; Post-implementation issues; Enterprise system processes; Order processing; Purchasing; Production logistics; Accounting; Planning and control; Human resource functions; How enterprise systems support business

IFS505 – Systems Engineering (2 units) Introduction of key elements and processes required for designing, analysing, developing, and integrating complex information systems; systems engineering approach with specific emphasis on design, development, and deployment; requirements engineering, architecture development, security engineering, cost-benefit analysis, information and networking technologies, and operations.

IFS509 – Information Systems Audit and Controls (2 units) The need for information technology audit and controls; Information technology risks – Business Process and Business Continuity: Protection of information assets, Business process evaluation and risk management, Systems development and maintenance activities, and Disaster recovery and business continuity; Auditing ethics, guidelines, and standards of the profession: Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, Control Objectives for Information and related Technology, ISACA, and Val IT; Undertaking an information system audit: Internal audit and external audit; Controls over information and processes: Physical and environmental controls, Network controls, System software controls, Database controls, Application controls, Internet and e-commerce controls, Installation and operational controls, Change controls, Access controls, Encryption, authentication and non-repudiation, End-user controls, Software licensing controls, and Governance; Controls Assessment: Separation of duties, Delegation of authority and responsibility, System of authorisations, Documentation and records, Physical control over assets and records, Management supervision, Independent checks, and Recruitment and training

IFS502 – Information System Innovation and New Technologies (2 units) Globalisation; Conversation about the commoditisation of IT; Technologies that have shaped the electronic world; Process of IS innovation: Diffusion, and Innovation cycles; Strategic importance of the Web as a platform: Web services, Collective intelligence, Peer-to-peer networking, and Social networking; Web 2.0 tools: RSS, Podcasts, Wikis, Blogs, and Mash-ups; Information organisation: Categorisation, Taxonomies, and Tagging; Virtual teams; Economics of digital goods and services: E-commerce distribution - The Long Tail, Wikinomics, and The Free Economy; Search space: How search works, How search is monetised, and Strategic importance of search; Knowledge management; Future trends

IFS504 – IT Security and Risk Management (2 units) Introduction to information security; Inspection: Resource inventory, Threat assessment, Identifying vulnerabilities, and Assigning safeguards; Protection: Awareness, Access, Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Availability, Accuracy, Confidentiality, Accountability, and Administration; Detection: Intruder types, Intrusion methods, Intrusion process, Detection methods, and Monitoring systems; Reaction: Incident determination, Incident notification, Incident containment, Assessing damage, Incident recovery, and Automated response; Reflection: Incident documentation, Incident evaluation, and Legal prosecution; Risk assessment framework; Security engineering: Protocols, Passwords, Access controls, and Cryptography; Physical aspects: Biometrics, Physical tamper resistance, and Security printing and seals; Security in connected systems and networks; Policy and management issues

IFS506 – Decision Support Systems (2 units)

Data visualisation: data representation, visualisation toolkits, scientific visualisation, medical visualisation, information visualisation, flow visualisation, and volume rendering techniques; introduction to human perception and advanced display devices; Design and deployment of decision support and intelligent systems

IFS508 – Systems Thinking, Modelling and Computer Simulation (3 units) An introduction to Business Dynamics in the context of a Complex World; the course covers the basic principles governing complex systems and some techniques for modeling and creating correspoding computer-based simulation models to study their behaviour over time. A principal focus of the course is the significance of information feedback and circular causality in the behaviour of business systems. The course begins with the principles of systems thinking and then moves to problem mapping and computer simulation. The emphasis is on giving students the ability to both see complex problems as systems and to better understand how to build “management flight” simulators to shed insight on problem structure and how that drives behaviour over time; leading to how best to manage those situations. Students should be introduced to the most appropriate ways of visualizing complex interrelationships between the various parts of real-world dynamic problems, that is, problems that continually change over time and are resistant to corrective action.

IFS512 – Special Topics in Information Systems (2 units) Recent topics and developments in computing and information technology are expected to be introduced from year to year. Apart from seminars to be delivered by lecturers or guests, students are expected to do substantial readings on their own

IFS514 – Performance Evaluation (2 units) Introduction and overview, performance modelling; measurement techniques – on-chip performance monitoring, off-chip hardware monitoring, software monitoring, microcoded instruction,, aggregating performance metrics over a benchmark suite, statistical techniques for computer performance analysis, statistical sampling for processor and cache simulation, statistical simulation, benchmark simulation and introduction to analytical models; energy and power simulator, validation.

IFS 520 - IT Governance (2 Units) This course will include key topics, such as Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) framework which defines a set of generic processes for the management of IT. Students will use an IT Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach to explore issues in IT Governance relevant to IT practitioners, which will allow students to develop the skills needed to evaluate and implement IT Governance measures across a variety of organisational types.